At Baptism, parents accept the responsibility of being the first teachers of their children in the Faith. Our Faith Formation Program is designed to augment and assist parents in this very important role. Faith Formation is an ongoing process, begun in childhood, that continues throughout our lives.
The title “Faith Formation,” expresses the belief that formation in our Catholic Faith is more than just “education,” facts and figures learned from a book. While these are important and necessary, our Faith is also celebrated – weekly – in the prayer life of the parish community. At Sunday Mass, we are nourished and challenged by the Word of God that is preached and the Body and Blood of Jesus that is shared. Our Catholic Faith is also lived at home and in the wider community. Here, our beliefs and values are put into practice on a daily basis. We are all formed in the Faith in each of these components: class, Mass, and home.
Adults are welcomed into the Catholic Faith through the RCIA process. A separate team assists in the preparation of our adult candidates. Adult baptism and profession of Faith normally occur during the Easter Vigil each year. Interested in learning more? If you, or someone you know might have an interest, please see Father Dave after Mass or call the Parish office. For more information concerning the RCIA, please consult the link on the main page of this website.
Adult Faith Formation opportunities covering a wide range of topics are offered throughout the year. In addition, formation for liturgical ministries and parish ministries are offered at various times.
Dates of Confirmation:
Group A: Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 1:00 PM, St. Mary ChurchSeptember 15
September 29
October 20
November 3
November 24
December 8
January 5
January 26
February 9
March 9
March 23
April 6
September 22
October 6
October 27
November 17
December 1: Class canceled due to Thanksgiving holiday.
January 12
February 2
March 2,
March 16
March 30
September 16
October 21
December 2
January 13
March 24
September 23
November 4
December 9: Class canceled due to the holy day.
March 3
March 31
September 30
October 28
February 3
March 10
October 7
November 18
January 6
February 10
March 17
September 15
October 20
November 3
December 8
January 5
January 26
September 22
October 6
November 17
December 1: Class canceled due to Thanksgiving holiday.
January 12
February 2
10:00 am - 3:00 pm