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The Vatican –
The website of the Holy See contains a wide assortment of information including papal documents, news briefs, Church teaching, and museum/Vatican City information.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops –
The USCCB is the official organization of the Catholic bishops in the United States. This website provides recent news, information, resources, and a link for purchasing official publications and documents issued by the United States Catholic Bishops.
Diocese of Fall River –
The official website of the Diocese of Fall River includes information on the Diocese, Bishop Edgar Moreira da Cunha, S.D.V., the parishes, schools and ministries of the Diocese, the Catholic Charities Appeal, and the diocesan newspaper, “The Anchor.”
Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School –
The website of our parish school includes information on the history and organization of our school, faculty/staff, and classroom links for homework and other information.
Holy Union Sisters –
The official website for the Holy Union Sisters contains history, current news, peace and justice links, and general information on the charisma and ministry of the Sisters who serve our parish community.
Vocations Office, Diocese of Fall River –
Vocation information for those discerning a call to the priesthood and religious life in the Diocese of Fall River.
Providence College –
The website of Providence College, a sponsored ministry of the Dominican Order in nearby Providence, Rhode Island. The priests who assist us at Saint Mary serve fulltime at PC.
Catholic TV –
The website of the Catholic television station (local cable channel 56) broadcasting from Watertown, Massachusetts, lists the weekly broadcast schedule, podcasts, and special events.
Mass Times –
Offers Mass schedules for the US and other countries from information provided by diocese and individual parishes.
Catholic News Service –
This website offers international and national news briefs and articles with daily updates.
Sacred Space –
A daily reflection/prayer page written by the Jesuits of Ireland.
Daily Reflections –
The Jesuits and faculty of Creighton University in Omaha, NE, offer this website of daily reflections on the Scriptures readings given by the Church for daily and weekend Mass.
The Rosary –
This website offers Scriptural references and reflections for each of the twenty mysteries of the Rosary and a complete listing of prayers associated with the Rosary.
Liturgy of the Hours –
Pray the official daily prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours, with prayers given for each day and each feast on this website.
From an ancient homily for Holy Saturday regarding The Lord’s descent into hell
Almighty, ever-living God, whose Only-begotten Son descended to the realm of the dead, and rose from there to glory, grant that your faithful people, who were buried with him in baptism, may, by his resurrection, obtain eternal life.
(We make our prayer) through our Lord.
(Through Christ our Lord.)
Prepared by Pontifical University Saint Thomas Aquinas
Please click on the link to see and pray the Stations of the Cross led by Father Jack
We Believe –
The official website of the textbook used in our parish Faith Formation program. The site offers additional information and activities for families and children. Prayer and liturgy resources are also included on this site.
Catholic Kids –
A website designed to assist Catholic parents with faith formation ideas and activities.
Catholic Culture –
This website promotes the development of Catholic culture among families.
Finding God –
Loyola Press, a Catholic publishing firm, produces this website to accompany their religious education textbook series. There are many fine resources for the liturgical seasons and faith development on this site.
Diocese of Fall River Youth Ministry –
National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry –
The website for the national voice of Catholic youth ministry in the United States.
PACT Program –
The website of the Providence Alliance for Catholic Teachers, students pursuing further education while teaching in area Catholic elementary and secondary schools.
Church in the 21st Century –
Boston College offers a wide variety of adult faith formation enrichment and education programs through the Church in the 21st Century program.
STEP at Notre Dame University –
The Satellite Theological Education Program at the University of Notre Dame provides a wide variety of adult faith formation opportunities via the internet.
Catechism of the Catholic Church –
The Knights of Columbus website offers an online version of the official Catechism of the Catholic Church.
National Catholic Bioethics Center –
Established in 1972, the NCB Center conducts research, consultation, publishing and education to promote human dignity in health care and the life sciences, and derives its message directly from the teachings of the Catholic Church.